
In Person Meetings

We have resumed in person meetings on Monday nights. We had a great campfire tonight and an outdoor meeting at CUMC. We are following all CDC/BSA and Erie County safety protocols for Covid-19.

Join us, if you like being active and outdoors!

By |2020-10-21T22:30:29-04:00September 14th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Liam Wyss’ Eagle Project Details

Liam Wyss’ Eagle Scout Project has been moved to Friday-Saturday, July 24-25, 2020. Due to COVID, Liam is unable to have his Eagle Project in the US. Liam will have his Eagle Project in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Please contact Liam or his mother, Mrs. Michelle Wyss via telephone 905.599.0393 (Liam); 905.599.9003 (Mrs. Michelle Wyss) or email: litron9@gmail.com for more information. Or if anyone is able to volunteer or if you would like to make a donation, please check out Liam’s Gofundme page: gf.me/u/ydnns8.

By |2020-10-06T19:38:28-04:00July 11th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Troop Reminders: June 2020

Weekly meetings are concluded for the summer. Patrols are encouraged to meet via Zoom in the interim.

*** All GNFC Summer Camps are CANCELLED, due to COVID-19  ***



Join Us each Monday for our weekly virtual
Troop Meeting at 7:00PM on Zoom:

Monday, June 15:  7:00PM – LAST TROOP MEETING for Summer, Virtual Troop Meeting on Zoom (See Link Above)

Thursday, June 18:  7:00PM – LAST Adult Leaders Meeting for Summer, Virtual Troop Meeting on Zoom (See Link Above)


— Reminder to finish up American Heritage Merit Badge. Although we cannot have a meeting, any Scouts who have now finished Requirements for this merit badge, please contact our Merit Badge Counselor to schedule online or telephone call review of completed work. For those who have not yet finished are encouraged to keep working on Requirements.

*** Update as of May 21, 2020: 
Per GNFC all SUMMER CAMPs have been CANCELLED, due to COVID-19 for Summer 2020! For more information, please contact Mr. Andy Sickau at ajsickau@trane.com or Asst Scoutmaster-Mr. Scott Simmons at simmonsscottm@outlook.com. Refunds of summer camp deposits/fees already paid will be deposited into your Scout Acct, unless otherwise instructed. Please immediately contact our new Troop Treasurer-Mr. Drew Stout at thestumps26@msn.com, if you wish for another option (incl option to donate all or a portion of your refund to GNFC…or to Troop 93).

By |2020-07-11T19:59:01-04:00June 10th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Cyber Chip Requirements


Due to COVID-19, all Scouting meetings/events have been cancelled through August 31, 2020.

>>> HOWEVER, please join us Wednesday, June 10, 2020 @ 7:00PM on our normal Zoom meeting link to work on this Requirement!

** Scouts should be working on the Requirements on their own by Grade-Level:

For more information:  BSA Cyber Chip

Download: Chip Chip Worksheet Requirements (Grades 6-12)

Cyber Chip Requirements for Grades 6-8

  1. Read and sign the Level II Internet Safety Pledge from NetSmartz. (BSA Cyber Chip green card)
  2. Write and sign a personalized contract with your parent or guardian that outlines rules for using the computer and mobile devices, including what you can download, what you can post, and consequences for inappropriate use.
  3. Watch the video “Friend or Fake?”, along with two additional videos of your choosing, to see how friends can help each other to stay safe online. (www.NetSmartz.org/scouting)
  4. As an individual or with your patrol, use the EDGE method and mini lessons to teach Internet safety rules, behavior, and “netiquette” to your troop or another patrol. You are encouraged to use any additional material and information you have researched. Each member of the patrol must have a role and present part of the lesson. (www.NetSmartz.org/scouting)
  5. Discuss with your unit leader the acceptable standards and practices for using allowed electronic devices, such as phones and games, at your meetings and other Scouting events.

Cyber Chip Requirements for Grades 9-12

  1. Read and sign the Level II Internet Safety Pledge. (BSA Cyber Chip green card)
  2. Write and sign a personalized contract with your parent or guardian that outlines rules for using the computer and mobile devices, including what you can download, what you can post, and consequences for inappropriate use.
  3. Discuss with your parents the benefits and potential dangers teenagers might experience when using social media. Give examples of each.
  4. Watch three “Real-Life Story” videos to learn the impact on teens. (www.NetSmartz.org/scouting)
  5. As an individual or patrol, use the EDGE method and the Teen Volunteer Student Project Kit to teach Internet safety rules, behavior, and “netiquette” to your troop or another patrol. You are encouraged to use any additional material and information you have researched. Each member of the patrol must have a role and present part of the lesson. (www.NetSmartz.org/scouting)
  6. Discuss with your unit leader the acceptable standards and practices for using allowed electronic devices such as phones and games at your meetings and other Scouting events.

Note: All Cyber Chips will expire annually. Each Scout will need to “recharge” the chip by going back to the NetSmartz Recharge area. This space will hold new information, news, and a place for the Scout to recommit to net safety and netiquette. Then, with the unit leader, the Scout can add the new date to the Cyber Chip card or certificate.

By |2020-06-10T17:44:10-04:00June 10th, 2020|Uncategorized|1 Comment

BSA SUMMER CAMP 2020 *** CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19 (as of 5/21/2020) ***


UPDATE as of May 21, 2020:  We are saddened to report that due to COVID-19, GNFC has announced on May 21, 2020 that ALL GNFC summer camps, incl NYLT, have been CANCELLED for Summer 2020!

*** For more details, please see GNFC Letter RE: Summer Camp 2020 CANCELLED

Should you have any questions/concerns, please contact either Mr. Andy Sickau at ajsickau@trane.com or Asst Scoutmaster-Mr. Scott Simmons at simmonsscottm@outlook.com.

** Refunds of summer camp deposits/fees already paid will be deposited into your Scout Acct, unless otherwise instructed. Please immediately contact our new Troop Treasurer-Mr. Drew Stout at thestumps26@msn.com, if you wish for another option (incl option to donate all or a portion of your refund to GNFC…or to Troop 93). Thank you.


FYI:  >> Please note that there’s a NEW BSA Consolidated Annual Health & Medical Record: Download (This replaces all previous versions of all BSA health forms)

* Suggested Summer Camp Packing List

By |2020-05-21T22:04:35-04:00May 21st, 2020|Uncategorized|2 Comments
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